Finishing 2023
Activate needs $20,000 to reach 55,000 churches in 45 African nations

Finish Line 2023: $20,000
Pastor Elias Apetogbo is the General Secretary of the All Africa Baptist Fellowship (AABF). After working together this past year, he’s invited us to offer training at a historic unity celebration of the 55,000 Baptist churches throughout Africa.

"We want to serve the city!"
I was surprised to see Pastor Elias after 4 years at a global church multiplication conference. He approached me with seriousness and excitement. “I want you to look into my eyes and see how serious I am. We want to serve the city!”

The Africa Dream Team
After discussing his heart for Spirit-led unity and action in Africa, we identified the need for churches to go through the Activation Process and to unite for Serve the City. Pastor Elias then hand-picked a team of leaders from around the continent of Africa to receive two months of online training for Activate and STC.

"You would come??"
My journey with Pastor Elias continued as he and his wife Denise joined each training. He then shared that he would like to introduce Activate and Serve the City to the Executive Team of AABF. When I shared I would be willing to fly in for this introduction at their assembly in February, Pastor Elias was excited to make plans for me to join.
“How can we start?”

The Executive Team responded enthusiastically! After sharing, almost every single member pulled me aside individually to ask how their region and network could think through church activation and serving their cities. Pastor Elias gave his blessing to journey further with his executive leaders in AABF. With many conversations started, the first formal invitation to address a national conference came from South Africa!
For the first time in my life, I headed to South Africa. Sharing the vision with leaders representing 700 churches in the Baptist Union of South Africa, the message was found to be inspiring and challenging. Many leaders came to me expressing how important the message was for them and eagerly asked about our process for their churches to take next steps forward!
And now, all of Africa...

These foundational steps of the journey with Pastor Elias and AABF have now set the stage for a historic first, in-person gathering. The AABF is hosting a celebration of their 40 year history together next month in Kigali, Rwanda. Leaders from all over the continent, representing the 55,000 churches in 45 nations will be in attendance.
Pastor Elias has invited us to join as partners not just in the celebration, but in the creation of a clear vision of church activation and city transformation for the next era of AABF.
Pastor Elias' Vision
I asked Pastor Elias to describe the importance of the activation of the tens of thousands of Baptist churches to serve their cities throughout Africa. He replied:
“When we get our members fully committed to serving their cities, expect a more peaceful and harmonious existence, more unbelievers motivated to serve as volunteers, hostility against the Church is reduced drastically, more churches are going to be planted with new converts, and the society is safer as trust and love is kindled.”

God's timing in November 2023
We strongly see God opening this door right now to continue our journey with Pastor Elias and the amazing AABF brothers and sisters for Kingdom advancement in Africa.
But in order to finish 2023 and join Pastor Elias at this historic event in Rwanda, Activate International needs $20,000. This will ensure our organization costs, travel, lodging, contributions, materials, and trainings will be fully covered in our final trips of the year, including the AABF celebration.
We are so excited by what God is doing, and would love to invite you to contribute to our Finish Line 2023 need.
Please join us and spread the word! By coming together for this need, we can see leaders representing millions of believers around the world inspired and equipped to join God’s mission in their neighborhoods and cities!